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No place I've ever been offers more than the state of Alaska and despite several trips there, I've only seen or experienced a small part of its beauty and grandeur.  While traveling, it seems that every turn in the road offers a magnificent view and a spectacular landscape. The vastness and beauty of the changing ecosystems combined with the feeling of an untouched wilderness make this my favorite place on earth. 




Besides the limitless and awe inspiring scenery, Alaska offers the opportunity to view and experience more wildlife and almost any other place on the planet.  I've been told, there is no other place on earth to find, photograph and enjoy seeing more animals in so many different habitats.  The photos below represent some of the best opportunities I've had in this amazing state and the wildlife I was rewarded with.   



The list of land mammals and birds seen is a long list:  Moose, Dall Sheep, Black and Brown Bear, Caribou, Lynx, Wolves, Marmots, Ground squirrels, Horned owl, Loons, Grebes, and Bald Eagles.  Then there is the marine wildlife:  Beluga and Humpback whales, Orca, Sea otters, Harbor seals, Sea lions, Puffins and grist numbers of spawning salmon.    This truly is an amazing place.  For me, each and every time I come here, my life changes for the better and when I go home, a part of me stays there.   

As is the case with most trips, good traveling companions have a way of making a great place, destination or experience that much better.  To all of those who have joined me and help make these trips that much more enjoyable..... Thank you!  

Alaska -2012
and a few other times.
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